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6 Essential Summer Property Maintenance Tasks For The New Year

summer property maintenance

Summer is the ultimate time for outdoor parties and events, lazing about on the beach, and general relaxation and fun with friends and family over the holiday season. When all you want to do is go outside and enjoy the sunshine, it can get difficult to remember the summer property maintenance tasks even if they are essential to keeping your property in top shape.

Many households and commercial properties begin to overwork certain appliances, such as air-conditioners, dehumidifiers, or air purifiers, as the weather heats up. Harsh sunlight from the (in)famous Australian sun can also cause internal and external damage to properties.

Here are 6 essential summer maintenance tasks to add to your checklist as the new year begins and summer kicks into high gear.

Every moment is a fresh beginning.

T. S. Eliot

1. Service your air-conditioners

The feeling of walking into an air-conditioned space after being outside in summer is hard to beat. Cooling systems, from split-system air-conditioned houses to fully ducted central air conditioning in enormous shopping centres, are sure to be working overtime.

To ensure that your air cooling systems are working efficiently and smoothly, schedule a yearly (or more!) service by an accredited HVAC technician. They will clean and replace old or damaged air filters, clean the condenser coil, check the drainage system for leaks or damages, and other essential cleaning and maintenance that your HVAC system needs.

Having regular HVAC servicing as part of your summer property maintenance list has the added benefit of minimising the impact that your air-conditioner has on the environment. The more efficiently your cooling systems run, the less power and energy they will use, decreasing your carbon footprint whilst you, your staff, and your visitors stay cool and refreshed.

2. Clean out your air vents

Similarly to how important regular air-conditioner servicing is, cleaning our your air vents can also maximise your property’s cooling abilities. Dust and debris can seriously hinder airflow, which will result in hotter rooms and spaces. It can also greatly lower the quality of indoor air, leaving you and other people in the building at great risk of becoming ill.

Sometimes, not only will you find dust, but insects and vermin could also be using your air ducts to hide from the summer heat, which will definitely block your airflow and affect indoor air quality.

If you get squeamish at the thought of being surprised by hidden insects when you clean your airducts, consider calling a professional to do this extremely important summer property maintenance task.

3. Check all plumbing fixtures for damage and possible leaks

Prolonged sun exposure during the summer can cause cracks in the material of external pipes and drainage. A thorough inspection of your outdoor and indoor plumbing every summer will help ensure your pipes keep working.

Water drips under sinks and around valves can be a sign of cracking or leaking. Strong or out-of-ordinary smells from drainage points or toilets can also indicate that something is wrong. Call for a plumber immediately before the problem gets out of hand.

4. Check your fire extinguisher(s) and smoke detectors

Summer in Australia is synonymous with fire warnings. Checking your fire extinguishers and smoke detectors to make sure that you are prepared for a sudden fire is one of the most essential summer property maintenance tasks.

Fire extinguishers may not work if they are expired. Make sure that all the fire extinguishers in your property are still useable in case of an emergency.

If the batteries of your smoke detectors are dead, replace them. If they seem to be malfunctioning, definitely call in an expert to inspect your smoke detectors. Knowing that your smoke alarm will go off in an emergency is of the greatest importance to keep you and others safe.

5. Get rid of any mould build-up

The humid conditions that summer can bring can promote mould growth inside and outside of a property. Depending on your property’s location, it could be wise to research what types of mould and mildew are common in your local area so that you know what you are looking for when you perform this summer property maintenance task.

Mould can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. In some severe cases, prolonged mould exposure can cause people to experience mould toxicity, which can be fatal.

Prevent mould from affecting you, your staff, and your visitors by proactively checking for and destroying any mould you come across in your property. If you find a severe mould infestation, call a professional to help you remove it safely.

6. Clean your property’s exteriors

The often-strong winds of summer, plus continuously blooming and flowering plants, can cause dust, allergens, and other microscopic particles to settle on your property’s exteriors.

When people walk into your property, they track this collected dust and allegerns from the outside to the inside. This can increase visitors’ impressions of the property during their visit. Regularly deep-cleaning your property’s interiors will thus minimise the presence of these dust and germs inside your property, maximising your health and your property’s cleanliness.

Summer always puts me in the mood to get someone else to clean my house.


If these summer property maintenance tasks seem too big for you to do, professional property maintenance companies can definitely help you maintain your property properly. They have the skills and tools necessary to finish this list, as well as specialist equipment for more specific cleaning tasks such as carpet cleaning or deep stain removal.

With our expertise and commitment to excellence, never worry about cleaning your property in the summer again. Star PM have over 19+ years of experience in property maintenance and commercial cleaning. Contact us, and stay cool and relaxed this summer.

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Event Cleaning: The Hidden Necessity Of Hosting The Best Parties Ever

Event Cleaning Supplies

Your event is over. The last guest has finally left, and your staff are now beginning the event cleaning process. You can see in their eyes that they’re exhausted from a long day of work but they still have to finish sweeping, tidying up any leftover food, wiping down tables or benchtops, collecting rubbish – it’s not an easy job for anybody!

If you’re someone who owns an event management cluster, it’s going to be even harder on you. Your full focus should ideally be on other aspects of the event – such as event timelines, lighting, decorations, food or drink service, the entertainment and music – rather than checking how clean the toilets are or thinking about post-event cleaning services.

The more prepared you are, the less pressure you feel.

Orrin Woodward

Making sure that your event cleaning process is organised as you plan your event will drastically reduce the pressure that you and your staff will feel as the event winds down. But where do you start?

1. Organise your cleaning supplies

Cleaning can’t start without the right tools. Having the right supplies, materials, and equipment prepared and on hand will not only make the cleaning process smoother and faster, but it will also keep the people cleaning safe as they deal with potentially hazardous items and substances.

Here is a short list of basic cleaning equipment to get you started:

  • PPE Equipment, such as face masks and rubber gloves.
  • Cleaning cloths, preferably paper towels or microfibre cloths
  • Separate bin bags for bio-degradable and non-biodegradable collection
  • Glass cleaners, surface cleaning sprays, and carpet stain removal solutions
  • Vacuums
  • Colour-coded mop system
  • Litter-picks

Keep these items handy and make sure your staff know where they are on the day of the event to maximise efficiency.

2. Pre-plan your event’s waste removal

With every passing year, staying eco-conscious and adopting eco-friendly practices becomes increasingly important. Ensure that your event  stays environmentally friendly by pre-planning and organising your event’s waste removal.

If your event is in a public area, speak to local authorities to understand local waste removal rules. Organise designated event rubbish bins and arrange for access to waste collection sites for a smoother cleaning process and prevent public littering. You could even create a comprehensive recycling plan for your event’s waste to minimise your event’s environmental footprint.

If there is a high chance that your event will generate hazardous waste, speak to professional waste removal companies to develop a hazardous waste removal plan.

3. Follow standard patterns and procedures

It’s good to have special rules and steps in place for event clean-up, but be sure to base your event cleaning procedures on standard cleaning patterns to help you take care of every aspect of cleaning without missing any areas. For example, you might need to do a more extensive carpet clean after a big event, but benches, tables, and chairs will still need to be wiped and sanitised as usual.

Use pre-existing cleaning procedures at your event’s venue or location as a base to create your own event cleaning check-list.

Hiring a Professional

Although it could be cost effective to clean your event yourself, it could be more efficient and reliable to hire cleaning professionals to manage your event’s cleanliness.

Not only will an event cleaning company help you with cleaning up after an event, they will also be able to help you clean and prepare your venue before your event starts. They have the skills and tools necessary for specialised cleaning, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, or deep stain removal.

Stay Accountable

The biggest benefit of hiring a professional cleaning company for your event is increasing the accountability of your event’s hygiene and cleanliness. A professional will comprehensively cover everything in place to exceed your expectations. They would also remain transparent with their process and progress as they follow any pre-determined cleaning procedures, allowing you to focus your energy elsewhere during your event.

I’m a cleaner, not a magician… but I can see why you might be confused


At Star PM, we are dedicated to satisfying all our client’s cleaning needs. We use the latest in environmental and recycling techniques in our waste disposal and cleaning procedures. Providing a safe working environment for our large team of dedicated staff, we will help you manage your event’s cleanliness and hygiene from conception to completion. Contact us today for a quote and let us work our magic on your next event.

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: 6 Tips To Turn Your Business Green

Reduce Waste - Office Recycling

National Recycling Week is upon us! Held every year during the second week of November (7th to 13th November 2022), this year’s theme is:

Waste isn’t waste until you waste it.

But what does that mean?

Planet Ark, the organisers of National Recycling Week, says that this year’s theme wants to encourage our community to consider how we use resources that we already have by giving them a second life to reduce the need for buying and using newly produced resources.

This is especially important when we consider that Australia generates approximately 76 million tonnes of waste a year. And out of that, almost 84%, or 63.8 million tonnes of waste, is generated by commercial businesses and industries.

How Does Your Business Look?

Is your business producing as much, or more, or less, waste today as it did two years ago? Reducing and recycling waste will not only save your business money on costly waste hauling but it will also demonstrate industry leadership and contribute to corporate social responsibility by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the global hazards to human health caused by our waste streams.

Over our years of experience with rubbish removal and commercial cleaning, we have developed ways to encourage our clients to reduce waste here at Star Property Management. Here are six tips to help your business reduce waste production.

Reduce Waste Today!

1. Compost

Organic waste is typically the heaviest portion of the waste stream, and due to its weight, is one of the costliest to remove.  In the U.S., through a strong composting program, the Seattle Mariners saved $114,000 in waste removal fees at Safeco Field in 2013. Plates, forks, cups and napkins at the stadium are all either compostable or recyclable, and the stadium boasts a waste diversion rate of over 90%.

Composting is another great option, especially for buildings with beautiful gardens and landscapes. Having your own composting program will keep your building’s greenery vibrant and healthy whilst reducing your waste. Otherwise, there are many composting programs that will remove your waste and turn it into nutrient-rich compost.

2. Audit your facility

Take a look around your facility and evaluate the supply chain of items that become waste. What consumables do you stock? Can you switch to recyclable or compostable products? How are waste bins placed? By keeping your recycling and composting bins more convenient to reach, your staff and visitors will be more likely to use those than traditional rubbish bins.

Many Australian corporations now include the Australasian Recycling Label on their packages. Place signage around waste disposal areas to encourage your staff and visitors to follow their instructions.

Evaluate how full the compactors, dumpsters and recycling containers are prior to pick-up. Facilities that increase their recycling rates often can decrease the frequency of pick-ups, thus saving additional money.

3. Reduce packaging

The NSW Government has now banned businesses and community organisations from supplying single-use plastics. And for good reason! One-third of waste in developed countries comes from packaging alone.

Evaluate the packaging used in your business. Can you eliminate single-use containers? A simple switch from corrugated cardboard to reusable plastic shipping containers saved Pepsi-Cola $44 million. Are there similar alternatives for you?

4. Eliminate bottled water

Ditch the bottles in favour of filters and glasses. Bottled water costs 2,000 times more than tap water and it regularly loses taste tests to tap water.

Provide glasses or reusable bottles, and a filter in your company’s break room. They will pay for themselves.

5. Go paperless

Technology offers cheaper and better alternatives to using paper.

CBRE recently went paperless at its downtown Los Angeles world headquarters. The office purged over 5 million sheets of paper, saving money on the space required for storage, and reducing ongoing printing needs by 50%.

Along with other strategies, going paperless has helped the company save 30% over a 10-year period on the LA office as compared to a traditional one.

6. Collect e-waste every day

Electronic waste is highly hazardous. In Guiyu, China, the city with the largest e-waste disposal site in the world, 80 percent of children suffer from respiratory ailments.

Offer a bin where employees can put e-waste from both home and from work. Make sure that your e-waste vendor is actually recycling, as many sell the waste to overseas entities that do not follow through with recycling. Work with a vendor that is third-party certified through R2 Solutions or E-Stewards.

Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.

Anand Mahindra

Over the past several years, our society as a whole has become much more conscious of the environment. As Australia’s waste challenges continue to grow, we all need to Step Up and support solutions which will move us towards a circular economy of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – where everything is a resource, and there is no such thing as waste.

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Allergens in the Workplace – Begone!

Spring Allergens

Sneezing, runny noses, itchy throats, watery eyes – Spring is in full swing, and so are allergens.

According to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), Australia has one of the highest rates of allergies in the developed world. More than 650,000 Australians have a diagnosed allergy, with approximately 30,000 new cases every year.

What Causes Allergies?

Allergies are caused when your body’s immune system recognises certain substances as harmful and reacts to it by causing an allergic reaction. Substances that cause allergic reactions are allergens, and they differ between each individual experiencing allergies.

The main types of allergens that may affect your workplace are: dust, mould, animal dander, and pollen. These are particularly potent during Spring, as grass, flower, and tree pollen are at their most potent.

Dealing with allergies at work can often be difficult as indoor environments can trap dust and pollen, and less aerated spaces can encourage mould growth during wet Spring months. Exposing employees and visitors to indoor allergens for long periods of time can aggravate asthma and cause wheezing, sneezing, and eye irritation, impacting the health and productivity of your staff.

Ensuring that your office environment is clean and well-equipped to deal with allergies is an essential part of keeping staff, clients, and other visitors as healthy and comfortable as possible.

Where Are Allergens Most Commonly Found In Commercial Buildings?

Studies have shown that indoor air can be significantly more polluted than outdoor air. The pollution can be caused by several factors – building materials and furniture, carpet, personal care supplies, dust, or pesticides. Areas or surfaces that trap dust, moisture, or other molecules easily or are less ventilated are the biggest allergen traps. Carpets, area rugs, padded cubicle walls, small conference rooms, etc. can act as giant air filters that trap any air-borne environmental allergens, but that also means that they are the most likely to trigger allergic reactions.

Workplaces with high levels of moisture can also be more susceptible to allergies, such as antique shops, greenhouses, construction areas, or flower shops.

Tips To Minimise Allergens In Your Workplace

  1. Keep humidity levels as low as you can—no higher than 50% if possible.  An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you to reach those levels. Clean bathrooms with mould killing products and avoid carpet to be used in bathrooms, kitchens, laundries and basements.
  2. Use an air purifier or HVAC system with HEPA filters, which are regarded as the most effective means of removing pollen and dust from a building.
  3. Maintain a good cleaning schedule with high-quality commercial cleaning equipment. Consider flat window blinds or washable curtains, which are easier to clean than other types of window covering. Regularly vacuum and shampoo carpets, area rugs, couches, and other soft surfaces to prevent dust build-up.
  4. Regularly declutter your office! Documents, books, magazines, or that decorative vase in the corner can easily collect dust
  5. Choose to use natural cleaners and microfibre cloths, as some cleaners can unknowingly trigger symptoms due to their irritating nature. Unscented cleaners are also a great option to prevent scent-related allergic reactions.

Little Actions To Make A Big Impact

Preventing allergies in your office is a team effort! Here is a checklist that you and your workplace can follow to help make everyone comfortable:

  • Avoid opening windows during peak pollen times.
  • Make sure offices are well ventilated.
  • Encourage employees to regularly clean their work area (all hard surfaces) daily with a disinfectant wipe or microfiber cloth.
  • Ensure all office plants are cared for properly.

By implementing these tips and tricks, you can help reduce allergy triggers and make your workspace a more comfortable environment for everyone, including any employees suffering from allergies.


Sneezed 100 times today? Yep, it’s definitely spring!Anonymous


Let Us Help You

Keeping your workplace clean whilst running a business and ensuring that all your employees, clients, visitors, and customers are happy can be a tough balancing act. Star Property Maintenance offers Commercial Cleaning Services that will ensure your workplace maintains peak cleanliness so that you can focus on your work and business. Contact us today to see what we can do for you and your employees.

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Time To Clear The Air… It’s Spring Cleaning Time!

Spring Cleaning

With September upon us, it means that Spring is now here. The days start getting longer, the sun slowly gets warmer, the flowers will start blooming… It’s time to clear the dust of winter and get your property ready with a thorough spring cleaning!

How did Spring Cleaning begin?

Many cultures have traditions of spring cleaning that reach far back into the distant past. In Iran, the new year, Nowruz, arrives on March 21 and is a time of regeneration, renewal and optimism for Iranians, which includes rituals involving burning, planting, and deep cleaning their houses. In a ritual called called khane tekani (“shaking the house”), the Iranians scour and clean every bit of their homes. Only once the house is shaken can Nowruz – and spring – arrive.

In Jewish custom, Passover (Pesach) is a time of house cleaning as well. For Passover, the Jews adopted unleavened bread (matzah) as a symbolic reminder of overcoming Egyptian subjugation they overcame. In fact, keeping leavened bread (chametz) during Passover is considered such an affront in Jewish culture that even a single crumb is deemed offensive. To prevent accidentally insulting God, Jews scour their homes before Passover to ensure they didn’t miss any bread. Since Passover comes around April, many people consider this custom as the origin of spring cleaning.

Similar to the Iranians, the Chinese clean their homes in anticipation of the Lunar New Year (which occurs shortly after the Gregorian New Year). According to Chinese Folklore, cleaning a house before New Year’s Day will clear the house of any bad fortune that accumulated over the previous year. However, cleaning on New Year’s Day and the following days will clean your house of good luck and wealth that arrived with the New Year. Not only you should avoid cleaning your house during the Lunar New Year, but washing your hair and clothes is also forbidden.

Preparing Your Commercial Property With Spring Cleaning

Many of us know how to do a spring clean for our homes, but getting your commercial building ready for the warmer months can often be a different story. What’s involved with commercial spring cleaning?

Assess Your Property & Identify Safety Concerns

Review the conditions of any walkways, entrances, wheelchair ramps, and outdoor lighting to eliminate potential issues of safety. Cracks on the sidewalk and potholes can often become dangerous as well as a liability. Any fallen tree limbs and leaves caused by winter winds can also become a liability, as well as keep your property from looking its best. No matter what, safety is of utmost importance .

Put Some Life into Your Landscape

As the weather warms, it becomes the perfect time to prune perennials and plant new flowers and shrubs to make your property exude the same charisma and professionalism as your business itself.

  • Check existing trees, shrubs and flowerbeds for winter burn and damages. Plan to repair any damage made to any turf in high-traffic areas or areas.
  • Checking for diseased plants should also be a priority. Diseased plants can spread their disease to other plants and easily destroy a large area very quickly.
  • Make sure to apply a fresh layer of mulch because winter can cause old mulch to break down. Adding new mulch will give your garden beds a much cleaner look, preventing weed growth and accentuating the blooming flowers and plants.

Clear Your Gutters

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to get your roof guttering and downpipes cleared of leaves and debris. By clearing your gutters, you will greatly reduce the risk of flooding and structural water damage that could result from a heavy downpour. Blocked downpipes can potentially cause thousands of dollars in damage to the plaster and interior of your property due to water damage from poor roof drainage.

For most homes and commercial buildings, the roof gutters should only need a thorough cleaning once every 12 months. Be sure to make clearing your gutters part of your spring cleaning schedule.

Freshen Your Property’s Exterior

Spring’s sunny days is the best time of the year to get all your painting jobs completed. The warmer weather helps paint dry, but it is not hot enough that the paint dries up too quickly, leaving unwanted cracks.

Winter rains and winds can leave streaks of dirt across your windows, especially for higher windows in taller buildings. A thorough window clean can clear your windows of any accumulated dust and grime, leaving your building gleaming and giving your employees a clear look to the beautiful spring landscape and warm sunshine outside.

Schedule An HVAC Service

Commercial HVAC systems are used constantly to consistently and reliably provide heating and cooling for a large space. To check that your HVAC system is in good working in preparation for hot summer temperatures after using it to warm your property during winter, arrange to service your system by a knowledgeable HVAC professional every spring as part of your spring cleaning routine. This will improve efficiency, reduce equipment and maintenance costs, and improve indoor air quality.

Maintain any Water Drainage or Irrigation Systems

Winter time can cause damage to water systems, increasing the chances of cracked or burst pipes, rust, and more. A poorly maintained drainage or irrigation system can greatly compromise the safety and integrity of your property, from tripping hazards and flooding to underwatering and/or hardscape damage. Stagnant water can also present a severe risk to virus and disease control as it provides ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes carrying vector-borne diseases.

Make a routine irrigation inspection part of your spring cleaning routine to avoid accumulating issues and risks with your drainage or irrigation systems overtime.


“A clean place is a safe place.” Anonymous

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Still not sure about how to start with commercial spring cleaning? Let us at Star Property help you with your spring cleaning so that you can rest easy knowing that your property is as ready as it can be as the warmer months begin.